Some particular very intimate questions or problems require an atmosfer of empathy and respect.

Like questions concerning


Often already doubts like "does my pussy, my breast look normal?" can have a negativ impact on a joyful sexuality. Then social pressure with an unflexible definition of fulfilled sexuality creates an insecurity about the personal phantasies, wishes and abilities, like "how should an orgasm be?". You should bring these questions to me....


If you want to be pregnant and it does not work, this is a very painful experience.

Not only that it harms your selfconfidence, it has an impact on the relationship in the couple and it makes the couple feel "different" to their friends. Don´t wait too long! Come and we talk about. We see what we can do, what the therapeutic options are, how far you want to go.


Urinary incontinence is far more frequent, than you would expect. And it is not at all something you need to exept! There a physiotherapeutic, medical and also surgical options to heal your problem.